The Plant-Based Diet



The Plant-Based Diet

Bill Clinton, Ellen Degeneres, Sir Paul McCartney, and even Jay-Z and Beyoncé have all made the switch to a meat-free diet. Inspired to give meat-free a chance? We can help
by Monica Reinagel, M.S., L.N.

The Concept

A nearly all-vegetarian, plant-based diet will slim you down and reduce your risk of cancer and other illnesses vacuum tube.

Distinguishing Features

Priority is on whole or minimally processed foods (bonus points for local and/or seasonal)
Vegetables, grains, and legumes occupy the center of the plate
Eggs and dairy are consumed occasionally (if at all)
Meat (if consumed at all) is treated as more of a condiment

This Is Your Diet If…

You'd like to reduce the carbon footprint of your diet
You have moral or ethical objections to eating animal products
You never met a vegetable you didn't like
You're worried about your cancer risk

Probably Not for You If…

You can't imagine life without (real) cheese
You feel better on a high-protein diet
Beans and legumes make you unfit for polite company
You're looking for a flexible, low-maintenance diet

The Details

Plant-based eating tends to be higher in carbs and lower in protein than an omnivorous diet, but protein and iron deficiency are rare—even among steadfast vegans. (Vitamin B12 deficiency is more of a concern , so strict vegans should consider taking a supplement.) Cutting back on animal foods will remove most of the cholesterol and saturated fat from your diet, but that does not necessarily make your diet low in fat.

Though our culture has become much more vegetarian- and vegan-friendly than it used to be, your choices will still be limited at fast-food restaurants, highway rest stops, and Grandma's—which can work in your favor in that you may cut down on extraneous calories.

Once you know where to look, however, you'll find plenty of overprocessed vegan junk food. If you're serious about losing weight and upgrading your health, you'll want to focus on whole, unprocessed foods and steer clear of added sugar, salt, and fat—just like everyone else!

A Day on a Plant-Based Diet
Vegan Diet Recipes

Oatmeal with Soy Milk, Raisins, and Walnuts
Chilled Soba with Tofu and Sugar Snap Peas
with an apple
Quinoa with Grilled Zucchini, Garbanzo Beans, and Cumin
Citrus-Glazed Carrots

see the full nutritional analysis for this meal plan at
More Great Plant-Based Recipes

Bulgur Pilaf with Dried Apricots
Edamame Succotash Salad
Orzo, Green Bean, and Fennel Salad with Dill Pesto
Spicy Thai Tofu with Red Bell Peppers and Peanuts
Mustard-Crusted Tofu with Kale and Sweet Potato
Bulgur Veggie Burgers with Lime Mayonnaise
To make this recipe vegan, use an animal product–free mayonnaise

See our diet comparison chart for information about other ways to lose weight
Books on the Plant-Based Diet

Forks Over Knives by Gene Stone
Published in tandem with the documentary movie of the same name, the book summarizes the film's talking points and offers practical advice on transitioning to a whole-food, plant-based diet. You also get recipes and inspiring success stories from those whose health was transformed when they radically changed their diets in this way Amethyst earrings.

The China Study by T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D., and Thomas M. Campbell, M.D.
Although not a diet program per se, The China Study has inspired many to adopt a vegan lifestyle. According to Dr. Campbell, "the solution to losing weight is a whole-foods, plant-based diet, coupled with a reasonable amount of exercise." As a bonus, Dr. Campbell argues, the vegan diet will reduce your risk of cancer, heart disease, and other illnesses. There's a slight logical disconnect in the scientific rationale: Dr. Campbell seems to assume that meat eaters eat mostly junk food, and that vegans eat only wholesome, unprocessed foods in the appropriate amounts. As long as that is indeed your approach, you should see good results.

Eat to Live by Joel Fuhrman, M.D.
Less of a dietary philosophy and more of a medical intervention, Dr. Fuhrman's program begins with six weeks on a strict vegan diet that slashes calories and promotes rapid weight loss. Caffeine, alcohol, and salt are completely eliminated, and vegetables are precisely portioned by the pound. If you make it through the first six weeks, the restrictions ease a bit.

The Kind Diet by Alicia Silverstone
Though the author believes you'd be better off as a vegan, she's also got a transitional plan for "Flirts" who aren't quite ready to go all the way. Silverstone is not a nutritionist, and some of her "science" gets a little "pseudo." But she also offers lots of vegan recipes and practical tips to ease you along the path.